Season 3 Episode 3 – Acceptance – Pico, VT
This has been arguably one of the hardest winter seasons for the East ever as many of you know. From Arctic temps of -21F to 60F all in one day; it has been hard for many of East coast skiers and riders to not be sad or depressed due to this.
Each and every day we feel for the people that earn their living through winter, through snow. We also wonder if any of our favorite runs or mountains will open; or if they can recover from the effects of the warmest El Nino ever.
It’s been tough to remain motivated to ski and ride this winter given the fickle weather we have been having but, we are thankful for the days we have had. The management at Killington and Pico have been working round the clock to help their patrons, make snow and be sure we have a winter. I know the same applies for all the mountains on the East.
We are also thankful to have met and become friends with the Erlandsens who seem to make the best of everything. Meeting up with them over the Presidents week changed our impression of what it means to have a good time. As long as you have some snow, and you can ski on it, that is sometimes all it takes.
Please do take the time to watch our latest webisode titled “Acceptance”. Accepting whatever this Winter has given, will bring and making the best of it.
Thank you Kirsten and family.