Season 2 Episode 13 – Nor’Beaster – Killington, VT

This winter is one that just keeps on going and that we keep on loving. With fresh snow falling in the East it’s hard not to find incredible Spring skiing in Vermont, or anywhere in the East. 

This year we made a personal goal to ski 50 days; a goal that we are close to getting too. Along the way, we have made some incredible new friends and have sparked the re-interest from friends we have known for years to start skiing again.

Recently, a fan of our videos and now friend reached out to us to let us know he would be skiing at Killington, a place where we have not skied with Nevada. Being that we also happened to be in Vermont and very near to him, we figured it would be a welcome opportunity to meet some new people, ski with them and make new friends. Needless to say, Sam and Sarah are very special people. Fun, loving and people you want to be around. Also, happen to be great skiers!

We hope you like this latest episode titled ‘Nor’Beaster’ and we hope you can make some turns this Spring. Winter isn’t really over yet.


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